AutoCAD in Bewegung   © Schulz  
 1. What did we do in AutoCAD until now?
Normally AutoCAD 2000 is used as a pure construction program to create 2d-drawings of single parts or sets. But today, especially Mechanical Desktop and Inventor are often used to design real 3d objekts. In documentation/graphics/design shaded and rendered models are used. AutoCAD offers the chance to animate, i.e. playing picture-serials, where the single pictures hav to be created before. But as described in Autocadmagazin 2/01 there are further possibilities: With help of AutoLISP (or VisualLisp) you can simulate and control the motion of simple mechanisms at screen in real time. Here "Simulation" doesn't mean - in opposite to "Animation" - the use of already produced pictures. Simulation stands for the real-time motion control of motional systems, which have been created before.
  2. What will the program-example SIM3D.FAS (AutoLISP) do?
The motion-system consists of simple geometrical 3d-solids - i.e. cylinders quaders and cones; but you can use your own 3d-blocks as well. These 3d-solids are aligned within a not closed series of 3d-lines - so that they form an open cinematic chain. On each vertex of that chain there will be a changing of the direction or a translation in the former direction. The example SIM3D.FAS showes a manipulator-jib, consisting of 5 steerable joints. The joints 1, 2, 4 and 5 are rotatory joints and the joint 3 is a translatoric joint. You can control these joints at fixed intervals. The resulting motion is shown directly at screen.
    download (8 KB)
  3. How to use?
After downloading and unzipping please open the drawing MANIPU.DWG. Next copy the program SIM3D.FAS to a current AutoCAD-folder (i.e. where ACAD.EXE is located). Then load the program by typing (load "SIM3D.FAS") from the AutoCAD-command line and start it by typing SIM3D. Next hints you will get from the program. The input of 0 will stop the run and fix the manipulators location.
Just contact me if there are any problems.