TRAKTRIX.LSP   © Schulz  
  The AutoLISP-program TRAKTRIX creates the phases of motion for a car or a truck, following a given course (2D-polyline or 2D-SPLINE).
The number of phases will give the accuracy of approximation.
As a result you will get a new course-polyline(traktrix), which will describe the motion of the traktix-point. This new traktrix-polyline can be used to get the motion of a trailor.

    download (39 KB)
  Please read the README.txt first.
Copy the TRAKTRIX-DEMO.vlx in a current AutoCAD-path - i.e. where the ACAD.exe is located or in the SUPPORT-path.
Open the sample drawing TRAKTRIX.dwg.
Load the program by typing (load "TRAKTRIX-DEMO") at the command line and then start the program by typing "TRAKTRIX" at the command line.
It is recommended to save the result of the computation to a file with a new name, i.e. not to the file TRAKTRIX.dwg.

A special version for BRICSCAD or ZWCAD is available too.